Email and Spam Protection

What Do You Need to Know About Email and Spam Protection?

Email is one way to communicate effectively, but regular mail breaches can negatively impact its beneficial nature.


Because many spam emails are sent with malicious intent to either trick you into opening an infected file attachment or to click through to a malicious site with the expectation that you will expose confidential personal or business details.

Once you take the spammers bait, they can acquire sensitive business information to wreck your business. For instance, they can steal your business bank account details, passwords, customer’s private info, impersonate you, commit fraud, and ultimately damage your business reputation.

Moreover, employees lose considerable time and energy going through pointless spam emails. A review by Nucleus Research shows that workers use approximately 16 seconds to check through and delete a spam email. The result is a waste of precious business time, which eventually translates to reduced productivity and business revenue.

If a business doesn’t implement an active spam protection and filtering solution, up to 70% of employee’s incoming emails per day are likely to be spam messages.

With the right spam protection services, your business can manage the complexity and menace of managing email, which simplifies operations, improves security, and reduces costs. With Email and spam protection services, you no longer have to worry about the devastating downtime from spam email.

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Major Email Threats for Your Business

  • Spam
  • Computer viruses
  • Computer worm
  • Malware & Ransomware
  • Phishing emails
  • Spoofed undeliverable notices
  • Denial of Service Attacks (DoS)

Why Email and Spam Protection Management?

The truth is that businesses are being flooded with spam every day. Although most email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex, and do a reasonable job of keeping spam from cluttering up your inbox, email spam may still find their way into your business inbox.

With email and spam protection professionals, your business will enjoy a dependable email system that protects your business without being exposed to the safety threats associated with email compromise.

Email Protection Services from On-Site Computers Inc.

Email and Spam Protection Service provides assured protection and solutions against all types of spam, malware, phishing, hacking, and any other possible email-originated attacks.

We give your business the comfort of knowing its email systems will constantly run at their peak efficiency through the efficient delivery of secure email services.

By choosing Email and Spam Protection from On-Site Computers, your business will be able to:

  • Improve Email Access
  • Enjoy Email Security
  • Simplify Systems
  • Depend on Email Continuity
  • Leverage Impostor Email Threat Protection
  • Reclaim Time Spent on Deleting Spam Emails


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